Monday, 28 February 2011

8 weeks to go...

With just over 8 weeks to go to the big day the “Done” items far outweigh the “To Do” on The List. I never thought I’d see that day. On Saturday I met our florist and it was there that it hit me - this is really happening! The last time I spoke to her I was very vague about something that was happening at some point in the future and on Saturday I had to make some more definite decisions and talk times for the day. She assured me that all the random bits and pieces I have gathered to personalise the wedding will indeed not look like a dog’s dinner which I have worried about in the past!

Mr M is getting very nervous about the day itself. He assures me that he still wants to be married but is thinking about his speech and the fact that people will be looking at him all day.

Funnily I haven’t had any nerves at all yet. I guess at this stage I’m still on autopilot, getting the organising done and my diary is filling up quickly with appointments and reminders.

We still don’t have our rings and I my dress still hasn’t arrived, but apart from a few bits and pieces, most of the leg work is done. When I say my dress hasn’t arrived, it did but I sent it back because there was a flaw in the fabric so a new one had to be made. I’m not sure whether to stress about this or not.

When mum and dad were helping my granda sort through my granny’s things they came across some of her jewellery, which granda gave to dad. In the box was a pair of pearl earrings and I am planning to wear this as my “something old” on the day to honour her since she won’t be there.

So much is going on, I don’t know what to share with you all, so if you have any questions, please ask!

Tuesday, 22 February 2011

The fortnight from hell...

Life around these parts has been tough of late.

My poor granny died. She was getting treatment for cancer - her tumour had gone but the chemo continued. As far as I was concerned she was on the mend and had been transferred to a rehabilitation ward in another hospital so that she could get home and come in for outpatient chemo. Then a week later she died peacefully in her sleep after days of restlessness and morphine. I was her first grandchild to get married and she couldn’t wait.

Our landlord, it turns out, had a dodgy mortgage and shouldn’t have been letting to us. Hence his bank found out and we were given one month’s notice to get out, 2 months before the big day. We gave ourselves two weeks to find somewhere and get out, to avoid having to pay another month’s rent. The wedding invitations are packed away at various stages of development and at this point in time it feels like they’ll never be finished. They are due out on 2 March.
We found out yesterday from neighbours that he had been visiting the house and letting himself in while we were out at work.

Money concerns continue. Having to move house didn’t exactly help the situation. We are several thousand pounds short of what we need and I’m praying every night for a miracle.

I had to attend court to support my sister who had to give evidence against an uncle who physically assaulted her last summer. That was so crap. And scary. We both dreaded it to the point of wanting to throw up for months. Any finally it is over. For us that is, not him.

My car broke down and I was left stranded 50 miles from home. Luckily Mr M came to my rescue – he left work, drove the whole way there, jump started me and got me a part and installed it himself. I love him so much.

I have high blood pressure. The practice nurse and GP feel I might need to go on blood pressure medication. You tell me – is it any wonder I have high blood pressure?

I had a get together with friends which I thought would cheer me up but it ended up just making me feel boring and crap. Mr M tells me it’s because I’ve been under so much pressure and haven’t been able to be myself, that I’ve lost myself and I need to get back into my hobbies to feel Me. He tells me I’m funny and intriguing. To him anyway.

And there you have it folks – the fortnight from hell.